FREE YA Fantasy Ebook (This Weekend Only)

A city where magic is banned. A girl with a dangerous secret. A journey begins... Darkness Rise by Carynn Bohley Sospes is the only magic-free civilization in Mysticus. People with supernatural abilities—known commonly as wielders—are banished upon discovery. Kydessia Swift, daughter of the current mayor and descendant of the city’s founder, has a secret: The…

Launch Day!

The day is finally here! Darkness Rise is officially out! The more people who buy it today, the higher up it goes in the rankings- so why don't you head over to Amazon and get yours? If you're not interested, maybe you can share it with a friend. A city where magic is banned. A…

Darkness Rise is Available for Pre-Order!

I can't believe that I'm saying this, but after two years of working to get my YA fantasy novel Darkness Rise published, I've finally done it! You can pre-order it starting today, and it will be released on November 20th by Darkstroke Books. In the meantime, I'm looking for bloggers and YouTubers to review it,…

I Got a Publishing Contract?!

Hi everyone, You might be wondering why I've been inactive on WordPress for so long. For once, I actually have a good excuse! Just over three weeks ago, I signed a publishing contract for my YA fantasy novel, Darkness Rise. Many of you (being the faithful, amazing readers you are) have heard me talk about…

The Kingdom of Ink

Okay... so it's been a while. After finishing my second semester of college, I've been spending every free second I have on my many, many projects. I finished writing and editing my YA fantasy novel Darkness Rise, started taking an online archaeology course, wrote a chapter book that I'm in the middle of illustrating, sent…

Giveaway Winner!

Hi everyone! As you probably know, I am hosting a giveaway with a signed copy of my YA novella, Dear Jackson.  When 16-year-old Malcolm Gibbs’ parents divorce, he, his Mom and his little sister Annie move to rural Kentucky to live with his Grandmother. The news of his brother Jackson's death sends Malcolm reeling, and…

Any Book Review Bloggers?

Hey everyone, I'm looking for people who are willing to write a book review of my novella, Dear Jackson. If you're interested (and have a blog, of course), let me know through WritersBloK's contact page and I'll send you a free, PDF copy of the book. Happy writing (and reading, I hope!), Carynn

How to Write a Book ASAP

If you're like me, you often wish that writing a book was MUCH faster. While I'm fairly patient in most areas of my life, writing is one of those things that easily frustrates me. Oftentimes, I'll spend a month or two working on a book, then I'll get bored and move on to the next…