Anyone who’s been writing for a while knows that the experience of reading changes as a writer. I’ve found several writing memes talking about this very thing, because it’s so completely true. Don’t you love seeing a writing quote or meme that makes you think ‘wow, it’s not just me’? For example (one of my favorites):


Credit to @bbadwolfink for this amazing portrayal of a writer reading. It basically describes my life.

Recently I posted a book review for ‘To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before’ by Jenny Han. I’m currently reading the sequel, ‘P.S. I Still Love You,’ and I’ve realized that I can’t work on any writing projects when I’m in the middle of a good book. Not because I want to read 24/7 until the book is finished, but because I start to emulate the writer’s style and even some plot stuff slips into my work. I’m not saying you can’t read and work on writing at the same time, just that it’s difficult for me.

I also find that when I’ve recently read a YA (or am in the middle of reading one) that’s the genre I want to write. If I have a writing project I really want to get into, I try to read in that genre (not just YA, of course… that was just an example). Not only will it give me inspiration and help me to stay in that creative circle, but it will help me to see what’s popular in that genre.

One book that I recommend reading no matter what genre you’re writing is ‘Edit Your Novel’ by Stephanie Morrill and Jill Williamson.

I got this book for Christmas from my great uncle and aunt (a big thanks to you two!) and my knowledge of writing has grown so much. It was extremely helpful, even though I was only in the writing stage and not the editing. It covers not only minor edits (grammar, for example) but character building, world building, plot, finding an agent, traditional and self-publishing, and having a writing career.

This is probably the most helpful book I’ve ever read, and I know I already said this but I strongly recommend it as a writer.

That’s all for today, but make sure to check back soon. Look below for some fun writing memes I found on Pinterest!

Until next time,

c. marie bohley magic style

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funny memes 60 pictures - #funnymemes #funnypictures #humor #funnytexts #funnyquotes #funnyanimals #funny #lol #haha #memes #entertainment

When you're half way done with the story and you find one lol

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Sometimes I get ideas and write fast, but other times I'm like Flash

Treat with caution!

Cute.  Yep, mine talk to me too.

Should you be writing right now? This will resolve that issue real quick.

Anyone know where we can get one of these? #Booksthatmatter #Bookhugs #Bloomingtwig #Yourstory

I could post this in every fandom board I have

I haven't really written anything, but that's what I think when I think about writing. Also as a reader I love a lot of stupid tropes

#Truth #BeVeryAfraid #Muahahahaha!

When you are a cruel god, but a fair one: writer humor, humor for writers, funny author quotes

My outline sometimes wanders about

I often feel like this when writing

Photo (Amanda Patterson)

#writerproblems haha Usually I can squeeze it into words if I get to it in the moment / fast enough...  But sometimes this happens... =D

shoot i’m being called out (credit: @today-only-happens-once on tumblr)

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"when we read, we start at the beginning and continue until we reach the end. when we write we start in the middle and fight our way out" -- Vickie Karp

THAT's true. I tell this to myself all the time. "What I'm writing right now is simply the SKELETON of the story. A time will come when I will go back through and give these dry bones some flesh."

"But when people say, Did you always want to be a writer? I have to say no! I always was a writer." Ursula Le Guin

7 thoughts on “Reading As A Writer + Writing Memes

  1. Oh, yeah, that’s me. Sometimes a book is so good I don’t think about the mechanics. I just enjoy it, and then feel sick envy eating me up. And then despair, because I can’t write like that (see Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn trilogy).

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I just finished reading ‘P.S. I Still Love You,’ and I have that feeling where you’re full and empty at the same time and don’t know what to do with yourself. It’s the worst and also the best feeling in the world 🙂

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